Light Within Me

Aloha Yogis,

I am not going to be Debbie Downer in this post, I promise. In fact, I've been thinking about ways in which I can transform my perceived struggles into little blessings in disguise. Let me explain.

Yogic teachings and philosophers have long referred to the concept that everyone and everything is your teacher. I am embracing that idea this week.

What if...

  • everyone I meet
  • every situation I am placed in
  • every failure
  • every struggle
  • every hardship

...represents a private lesson for me to learn and grow into the person I am meant to be? Each interaction and event are actually perfectly sequenced into the tapestry of my life to teach me something, at the exact moment, that I need that very lesson. We are subconsciously drawn to people and situations that help us grow.

I am embracing this logic, and well, let's just say I need it!! Times are tough, right? What an empowering way to move through the day. We can receive these lessons with gratitude, and hopefully, lighten up enough to realize that they are opportunities to grow, to become wiser, smarter, more compassionate, more loving.

Yes, in any given moment, we all have  greater capacity to love. And gosh, sometimes we lose sight of this, but isn't the purpose of life to love and be loved? I am not saying it is easy, it is a practice, just like yoga. Maybe we could look at the yoga poses that present a challenge to us, as similarly unique teaching nuggets, little sprinkles of asana wisdom. 

I hope you can join me for yoga class tomorrow morning (Sunday) at 8am (HST) which is now 10am (Pacific Time). Email [email protected] to receive the link to join, I would love to have you in class. Class is donation-based (Venmo: @LauraMary-Flynn).

The light in me sees and honors the light within you,