Tag Archives: yogi

Life Lately: Radical Change

My Thoughts on Teaching Yoga Full Time:

First of all, I get to write this post from the comfort of Whole Foods (Kahala), before I teach my 2:30pm class at CorePower Yoga. I have never felt I am more on the right path, in the right place, than I do now. I love helping and working with people. Teaching yoga is exactly what I am supposed to be doing right now.

I am 100% self-motivated to do what I love; it is scary, thrilling, exciting, and energizing. It is infusing me with even more passion and drive to share and continue on this journey, doing what I love, yoga.

I am even more excited about what is to come, and the unknown of it, is propelling me forward to work even harder. I feel very fortunate to be making what I love into a sustainable profession.

My Advice:

Sit down with a pen and paper and reflect on where you are in life. What drives you? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Is the job you are in, going to take you there? If not, how can you begin to make moves to get yourself there? Just start thinking, writing, planning, and doing.

Thank you!

With Love,

laura mary

The Many Reasons I love Sundays…

I love to wake up with the sun shining on my face, while I am lying on top of the sheets and comforter; and after 9 hours of sleep, the bed looks as though no one has even been on it. My mom would always joke about this when I was a kid, “Laura, did you even sleep in this bed?” … I still do it, Mom. Since Derek has been away, I’ve pushed the bed all the way up against the wall, where Derek’s surfboard rests, that too is the kid in me…goblins anyone? Sunday: Abundance, Food, Life, Yoga

I love waking up and knowing that I don’t have to get out of bed, but I do, because I am eager and excited to get my day started, because Sunday is my day. French vanilla coffee from Down to Earth? Yes please. Coffee is pretty much the best simple pleasure, ever. Paired with some yummy toast with fresh ground peanut butter, organic honey, and cinnamon on top (I am a toast lover). YUM. Sunday: Abundance, Food, Life, Yoga

Light up some candles and turn on some Norah Jones

Sunday: Abundance, Food, Life, Yoga Sunday: Abundance, Food, Life, Yoga And it’s right to “work” I go. Planning my sequences for my 3 classes today. Planning my future. Constantly, pinching myself, and experiencing so many reality checks on life, for I just can’t believe the amazing turn it has taken. Sunday: Abundance, Food, Life, Yoga

Just asking myself, some small questions... Sunday: Abundance, Food, Life, Yoga

I feel so much abundance all around me. Good things keep happening, and one notion has become really clear to me: abundance attracts abundance. I am so thankful for all of my friends and family who are continually fueling my inspiration because they too are inspired. Abundance attracts abundance. Now it is time for yoga with my three friends. Sunday: Abundance, Food, Life, Yoga

Happy Sunday everyone!

Surround yourself with those people that fuel your own inspiration and find one small pleasure that lightens your day and makes you smile.

With Love,

laura mary

Yoga: Life and Feeling Centered


Life Lately:

Okay. Well, it’s been a bit since my last post. Life has been pretty wild lately. This blog post will be everything but neat. Here is what’s going on with me these days!

Derek is in LA for 3 months (all summer). Before he left for home, we spent all of our time together. His family was visiting as well and we kept ourselves quite busy, it felt like we were both on vacation too.

We had a blast to say the least. Now, Derek is gone, I miss him a ton but I am taking this time to really focus on myself. Since he’s been gone, I’ve realized even more so what a rock he is, in supporting me in everything that I do. Not only does he make the bed and coffee every morning (hehe), but he also attends all of my classes, supports my teaching, and my dreams. I have never felt more myself, more beautiful, more challenged, and more loved. As I figure out where I am headed, I am so thankful that I have him as my mirror (even if from a distance) to look at and keep me real, grounded, connected, and practical.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. I left my job at the Cancer Center and I am currently teaching yoga full-time and doing wellness visits; I turned 27 (how in the WORLD did that happen?), Derek left for California, and I am faced with many real, hard, and practical life decisions…basically, I have to grow up.

I have to get real about the direction I am heading in life, which is an exciting one, I know that much – but rather than flow through in typical yogi way, I have to plan. I still set goals and write down my dreams, but I need to plan just how I am going to end up to where I want to go. This has resulted in me being even more obsessive with my planner (aka “homework assignment notebook,” as I refer to it). Meanwhile, I’ve been teaching so much yoga (17 classes this week + 1 wellness visit + coaching teacher training). Which is absolutely amazing (I will get there). Hopefully, I will adjust quickly to the life of a full-time yoga instructor.

While, I am trying to fit in as much career planning as I can, I am trying my very best to stay inspired with my yoga practice, teaching, and life. Life inspiration for me, means that in addition to practicing, I must go to the beach, hike, read, and spend time with people I love (but it’s for my job, I promise). But the truth is, I can't fit it all in! It hit me the other morning when I woke up, that my “to-do-list,” was complete with everything I love to do. One of the many joys of life these days is that – I never want to miss a single day of work. I love my job, I love working with and helping people; all of my students inspire me to be the best version of myself. Furthermore, I work with a group of teachers that are absolutely amazing.

And...What's the Problem?

However, with all of these wonderful shifts and changes and the beautiful ebb and flow of life, it has left me feeling a little less than centered. While I was working full-time at the Cancer Center, I made it an absolute priority to practice yoga #everydamnday (yep!); Now, I’ve noticed, my practices are a little bit shorter, I am snacking and grabbing quick bites to eat in between classes, and I have had less time to write. I know I need my rest, green juices, sweat sessions, mediation, time in the mountains and in the ocean to feel really, truly, centered. Derek knows best what I am like when I go a few days without practicing (don’t mess). Suddenly, rather than hold my own space strongly, I see a funny smirk on a person and think, ‘oh gosh- I hope they are okay, was it something I did or said? Okay, I better take this issue on and work it out.’

And I didn’t quite realize that I was doing this, until I came across this beautiful Marianne Williamson quote.

“What's difficult in life is to stay centered when somebody says or does something that tempts us to close our hearts because their heart was closed. That is hard. But that is also how we grow. We go through those circumstances in order to evolve into people who can hold our loving center no matter what the world throws us.”

- Marianne Williamson

I read this quote today and it hit home. It really struck me. While, my energy levels are perhaps depleted, and I am not feeling fully centered, I need to practice staying strong and holding my own space, regardless of what is going on in life.

If someone is having a bad day, and they treat you in a way that leaves you feeling bad…let. it. go. It is not, I repeat, not, your problem to take on. I needed this amazing reminder today. For my 6 am class this morning, I did a lot of core work (always) and heart openers. I shifted my perspective for the entire day, I feel open. I have been practicing moving through today with a loving intention and more compassion. I have been less reactive and definitely more open.

You never know what someone else is going through. Rather than make their story (issue) about you, take a step back, and be a little bit more open and loving; find some compassion knowing that they have something to work through.

Be ready to listen.

With Love,

laura mary