Healthy Spinach Smoothie

Healthy Spinach Smoothie

I make smoothies almost every day. Typically, if I share a shot of my smoothie to social media, I get a bunch of DMs asking for the recipe. I want to start to share them with you.

Tonight’s smoothie surprised me with just how delicious it was, so I dashed over to my computer to write down the "recipe" - in quotes because as you will see I use very rough estimates of quantities!

I threw together some yummy foods I had on hand. And I was so inspired by the delish taste that I just had to share with you all! Also, husband approved, shhh he doesn’t know what’s in it. Enjoy!!



-2 small lemons

-1 pear

-1 banana

-a bunch of frozen mango (sorry I don’t measure it out)

-frozen blueberries


-hemp seeds

-flax seed meal

-splash of almond milk

-filtered water

Directions: I use a vitamx, but use whatever high speed blender you have and that should work!

Step 1. Fill the Vitamix to the top with raw spinach. Then  add the banana.

Step 2. Cut the skin off of the two small lemons and then pop them in the vitamix too (yes, seeds and all!).

Step 3. Cut the pear down to the core and pop it in the vitamix.

Step 4. Push the ingredients in the vitamix down, in order to fit more. Next throw in the frozen mango. Again, push the ingredients down. Then add your blueberries (as much as will fit).

Step 5. Add the cinnamon, a little pour of hemp seeds, flax seed meal, almond milk.

Step 6. Pour a large mason jar full of filtered water into the vitamix.

Step 7. Blend it all up, start on low speed and slowly increase, run on high for at the most 45 seconds.

Step 8. Pour and enjoy! Option to add ice, but with the frozen foods it should be yummy as is!

Love and Mangoes,


2 thoughts on “Healthy Spinach Smoothie

    1. Laura Mary

      Post author

      Hi Brendan, it is really yummy! I would recommend adding another high vitamin c fruit, strawberries or pineapple!

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